GROW Your Food & Drink Business with Impact Training

Design a business that gives YOU the life you want to live with

Food & Drink Business Expert Mark Turnbull

Impact works to educate, motivate and inspire independent retailers!

Impact Retail Training works to educate, motivate and inspire Food & Drink Entrepreneurs just like you, taking you on the journey from a Wannabe to Professional Business Person.

In this video, Mark Turnbull discusses the Business Success Pyramid and how Impact Training can help grow your business!

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Take Your Food & Drink Business to the Next Level with Impact's Range of Membership and Mentor Programs today...

The Impact Small Business Success Club

If you're looking to make the transition from Business 'Wannabe' to Professional Business Person, then the Impact Small Business Success Club is the perfect place to begin your journey. Join a small group of like minded business owners in weekly cohort calls and benefit from the members area of the Impact website.

It's packed with Training Videos to help grow your business, Industry Expert Interviews and the Impact Business Resource Vault, that's packed full of tools to help you grow your business.

Entry to the program is by application and invitation only. Priced at £75.00 per month.

The Six Week Kick Start Coaching Program

The Six Week Kick Start Coaching program is a One to One mentoring program and is ideal for existing business owners who are looking to grow their businesses. Working with retail expert Mark Turnbull, this program is the ideal place to begin putting the right things in the right place to get the right results. The program runs over a 6-12 week period and prices start from £1800.00.

If you'd like to learn more about one to one mentoring, make sure you join Mark for an informal chat on Zoom - just click on the button below to book your call...

In-house Consultancy

If you're serious about growing your business and would like some expert help in-house, why not book an in-person consultancy, where food & drink business expert Mark Turnbull visits your business and gives you one on one consultancy 'on the floor'. Prices start from £500.00 per day plus travel expenses.

To discover more about in-store consultancy, click the button below and book a Zoom call with Mark...

Speaking Event?

Why not hire 'Food & Drink Business Expert'

Mark Turnbull?

If you're looking for a Speaker for an audience of Food & Drink Entrepreneurs, then look no further than Mark who, with over 35 years of food & drink retail business experience, will entertain your audience with a number of presentations, that will both resonate and deliver long term-benefits.

Hard Work and Dedication

Hard Work and Dedication

February 11, 20241 min read

Last year I had the pleasure of collaborating with Northumberland’s Restaurant Pine at the Turnbull’s Northumbrian Food Hall.

Husband and wife team Cal and Sian are having a great start to their 2024.

Cal recently won his way through the regional round of Great British Menu.

And now the team at Restaurant Pine have retained their Michelin star and green star.

Chef and Owner Cal was quoted as saying…

"We can’t describe how mad it’s been since we opened the restaurant. To retain our Michelin Star and Michelin Green Star is amazing – it just goes to show what hard work and dedication to what you do, day in, day out can really achieve.”

And of course, he’s right.

You’ll never achieve any degree of success in business without hard work and dedication.

On winning a brace of gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics, Mo Farrah attributed his success to hard work and graft.

It pays dividends.

Yes, it’s only one ingredient in the recipe of success, but it’s a major one.

Once you combine it with ‘doing the right things’, ‘rhythmic marketing activity’ and ‘getting out the weeds’ for a few hours a week, you’ll have a show stopping recipe.

Time to get cooking.

Have a great week.


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